Why Learn Brush Lettering

Why Learn Brush Lettering

You want to get into brush lettering but why should you?

Why should you spend hours and hours learning an art form that might not even be useful? Why should I get brush pens and start learning modern calligraphy?

The question is:

Why Learn Brush Lettering?

A lot of beginners seem to be asking this question and probably because they don’t know if they should invest not only the money but the time to learning this art form.

Lucky for you that is all that I am going to be talking about today.

Anyway since a lot of you want the short and quick answer here you go.

Why you should start learning how to do brush lettering is because it is a great way to relax and calm down at the end of a long day. Another reason is that it’s a rewarding process. Not just mentally satisfying but could bring in some source of income if you get really good at it. 

Of course, it is not all about the money.

Here is a short summary of what we are going to be talking about today:

  • Why Learn Lettering If It is Dead?
  • How Brush Lettering Can Help With Relaxation
  • Teaches you Discipline 
  • Helps With Hand and Eye Coordination
  • Building Creative Skills
  • How Brush Lettering Can Make You Money

Why Learn Lettering If it is Dead

I have noticed that a lot of people that art forms like calligraphy are thought to be dead or cease to exist in art.

When all of this is completely not true. I went more in-depth on this subject in one of my other articles which you can check out here.

Let me put this straight.


Actually, in my opinion, it is coming back. A lot of people are specifically getting into the modern calligraphy world like learning how to do hand lettering and posting there work on Instagram.

Just to simply put it this artform is nowhere near being dead unless you are talking about specific forms of traditional calligraphy. 

Any hand lettering has become very popular in our everyday lives. From logos to wedding calligraphy, it is almost everywhere.

Now I am going to move onto reasons why you should start learning how to do brush lettering.


In my experience after a long day of school, I have found that just practicing lettering is relaxing.

Simply putting music on and grabbing my brush pen sets a tone for how long I will practice.

What I also find relaxing is being able to right inspiration quotes and you could say “make them look pretty”.

Any way you could just say it feels satisfying to be able to draw beautiful letters and can also make you quite proud of yourself.

Well depending on your experience of hand lettering. If you are stressing out over not getting one of your letters perfect, don’t worry about it.

Take a break and if you feel like you can’t do it, don’t do it.

Don’t be stressing yourself out because this should be a very calming process.

You can also say that it is a very rewarding process witch again very similar to it be satisfying.



Another reason why you might want to learn brush lettering may be because you want to learn some discipline skills.

In a lot of aspects discipline may be a harsh word but what I am talking about here is being able to be driven and stick to something, like learning brush lettering.

It has proven if you are able to stick to something small and discipline yourself to whatever the habit is you can apply that to some other things.

For example, if you discipline yourself to practice hand lettering every day for 30 min you can apply that to other habits or goals.

In general being, discipline is a good thing. You are able to start and finish something and could lead to many good habits.

Hand & Eye Coordination

I feel that like that you might get what I mean that this helps with hand and eye coordination since you need to use your hand and eyes.

Well, let us talk a little bit more on this topic.

So, when you are doing brush lettering you are going to have to learn a whole different way of holding a pen.

You are also going to have to learn a whole entire different way of writing with a pen. 

As you can see you are going to have to learn a lot of things if you are wanting to master the art of brush lettering. 

When you are learning these new “basic skills”  it can help with hand and eye coordination, well to some extinct.

But you get what I mean.

You have to be able to control the brush pen, which is part of hand and eye coordination.

Creative Skills

So you want to be that creative person in the group?

Or do you just want to easily come up with creative ideas and bring them into reality?

Of course, it is not that simple.

But brush lettering May be able to help with that.

For one after learning the basics of brush lettering and really understanding how to form words you can start learning to develop your own style.

To be able to learn how to create your own style you need a few creative skills to be able to come up with your own way fo writing a certain letter.

Again those creative skills all come with time. But if you keep on practicing and finding new ways of drawing certain letters it may be able to help.

Another reason could be when you have this weird way of forming a letter.

Ok, you may not know what I mean.

For example, you want to form letters that will all fit inside nicely in a circle.

Well, that is going to take some creative practices that can also help with some creative skills. 

Depending on if you put the effort into doing the project or whatever it is.

In general, hand lettering artists have to have some form of creative skills to just be able to draw out the letters on the spot.

But again it all takes some time. 

Making Money

Oh, you want the money?

Just want to point out there that you shouldn’t just be learning brush lettering because your only incentive is to make money.

I feel that is just a bad idea of going about anything.

I have done a full tutorial on ways that you can make money with your hand lettering witch you can check out here.

There many ways to make money with your brush lettering. 

You can just do art prints to doing onsite calligraphy.

There is a myriad of things that you can do. In my opinion, come with your own ideas and get creative with products or commissions you can sell/do.

But in my tutorial I am explaining a few ways of making money.

One is by doing wedding calligraphy commissions. This can be envelope calligraphy, mirror seating chart, place cards, and so much more. 

Something else that I talked about was doing luxury lettering witch is also considered onsite calligraphy.

So going to a store and the store pays you to do calligraphy for other people.

It is quite interesting when  you think about it.

Final Thoughts

You have just learned why you start learning brush lettering today.

Also, feel free to check out my free brush lettering practice sheets that are all on the basic calligraphy strokes, which is a big part when learning hand lettering.

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