How To Attach Calligraphy Nibs For Beginners

How To Attach Calligraphy Nibs For Beginners

You got this new awesome pen but you have no idea how to use it or how to even put it together. When I got my first dip pen I remember just jabbing the nib into the holder, having no idea that there is a certain way to do it. 

Well, I am here to prevent you from doing just that.

If you are in a hurry here is the quick short answer to your question:

First, you are going to find the medal lining that is on top of the holder. That medal lining is going to have a gap. You are going to then grab your nib and put it in between the prongs on the side where the gap is. 

Ok, that must have been confusing but that is why I am here. For the rest of the article, I am going to be going step by step on how to attach a calligraphy nib to your holder.

A quick summary of what you are going to be learning today:

  • How To Attach A Calligraphy Nib To Straight Holder
  • How To Attach A Calligraphy Nib To Oblique Holder
  • Removing the Nib

Onto The Straight Holder

Step 1:

You are going to grab your holder and look for the medal lining that should be around the top of your holder. Here is a quick picture of what it should look like.

Step 2:

Now you are going to find the gap between the metal lining. Along that medal lining inside the holder, there is going to be some prongs that are able to move back and forth.

Step 3: 

You are going to grab your nib and face it towards you. Then you are going to place it through the prongs. This should lead to the prongs to move forward and be in the inner part of your nib.

The outside of the nib should be against the holder, not the prongs.

The prongs are able to bend so that they can fit different size nibs, but not all nibs will work with the same holder.

Step 4:

You have successfully put your first every dip pen together. I recommend trying to take it out and putting it back again together. The reason for this is you want to practice. 

When I started I always forgot how to put the nib in, but if you practice you will build up that muscle memory.


One of the main reasons can be that the nib is just too big for your holder, meaning you are unfortunately needing to buy a new holder.

Another thing that can be happening is that you are just not putting enough pressure. You should have to put just a bit of pressure to get the nib in, but you shouldn’t have to find yourself jabbing it.

The last possibility can be that you are putting it in the incorrect place. Like I explained in the steps above there is a specific place that you put the nib.

Not Fully In
Now All The Way In

On To The Oblique Holder

Depending on the oblique holder that you have it can actually be way simpler, than putting a nib inside a straight holder.

There are two types of oblique holders. One is adjustable and one is not. So the non-adjustable ones you are going to need specific nibs for. While if they are adjustable you can use almost any type of nib.

You simply grab the nib and slip it through the slit. You can either push it all the way back or leave it in the middle.

Of course, this was not the best explanation so here is a quick video that I was able to find to help you out, from Crooked Calligraphy.

How To Remove The Nib

Step 1:

You are going to want to get a nice grip onto your nib, but not putting too much pressure.

Step 2: 

Start to gently pull out the nib with some force.

Step 3: 

I would recommend again practicing taking it out and putting it back in. After use, you should also be washing it with some nice warm water.


You probably can not take out the nib since you put the nib in wrong. For example, you could have just put the nib on the wrong side or in the middle of the prongs.

You also may not be putting enough pressure onto your nib. When starting out I remember being so scared because I could not take out the nib. With just a little bit more force it came right out.

Final Thoughts

You have all successfully put your nib into your holder. Congrats!!!

This is of course just a tiny step onto your lettering journey and you have a whole load of other things to take on. Don’t worry if it takes time to get hang of it, since all beginners are going to need to take some time to learn.

If you are having any problems or questions feel free to comment.

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